We are an informal group of non-motorized boaters. We use the club as a means to meet other like minded boaters, share day & multi-day trips, have club meetings, picnics & other activities.

We consist of kayakers, canoers & rafters for both white & flat water interests taking us to various lakes & rivers in AZ, UT, CO, CA & the Sea of Cortez, MX & Baja coastal waters. Club meetings are scheduled every other month (except July) starting in January. Any club member may initiate or organize a trip they want to share & have it announced on the SAPC website & E-newsletter. Annual membership dues are $15. To join go to the “Membership” link for application form & all info.  Our mailing address is PO Box 41443, Tucson, AZ 85717-1443

Please Note: Our SAPC general meeting location, date & times have changed.  Our next meeting is on Wed. Sept. 11, 2024. Location: The REI store on Wetmore Rd, Tucson. New Time: 6-8 PM. You may go to the “Trip Announcements” link to check for future activities.