About SAPC


The purpose of the Southern Arizona Paddlers Club is:
to foster and support activities related to canoeing, kayaking, and rafting, to provide a forum for exchanging information and sharing resources pertaining to these activities, to promote education and training in boating skills and safety, to encourage sound environmental and conservation policies and practices with specific attention to protecting river, lake, coastal resources and access,
and to have FUN.

SAPC is an informal group of non-motorized boaters. We use the networking club as a means to meet other like minded boaters, share day & multi-day trips, have club meetings, picnics, & other activities. We consist of kayakers, canoers & rafters for both white water & flat water interests taking us to southwest rivers, the Sea of Cortez & Lake Powell. You can also follow us on Facebook.


Our mailing address is P.O. Box 41443, Tucson, AZ – 1443