Minutes of May 8, 2024 meeting of the Southern Arizona Paddlers Club:
President Cheryl Kline called meeting to order at 6:00 pm
Cheryl introduced herself and husband Chuck since this was her first meeting as president, and
read out club purpose statement
New member Kerry Lynch introduced herself. She was a member of the Mad City Paddlers in
Madison WI.
Van H. (please add his last name- I wasn’t sure how to spell it), one of SAPC’s founding fathers,
was present and introduced himself. He is retired from running rivers after 42 years.
Treasurer Steve Kanner reported that the club’s bank account balance is approximately $1500
and that 32 members have signed back up since January. There is a little merchandise remaining
for sale.
Old business:
Royce- we printed up brochures for the spring Patagonia Lake cleanup and they are available for
members to take for recruitment.
We have rejoined American Whitrwater and are again listed in their publication as an affiliate
New business:
Peg suggested holding a gear swap again. It was decided that the club will hold a gear swap on a
Saturday morning in October at Himmel Park.
Upcoming trips:
Peg- 1) Lake Powell starting May 19 for 10 days, Hall’s Crossing upriver. 2) Salt River June 10,
at sunrise. 3) September 16, location to be determined.
Bob Schoen and others summer paddling in the northwest including Tomales Bay, Lake Tahoe,
Upper Priest Lake, Pend Oreille, Lake Sonoma, and Quadra Island.
Recent trips:
Steve Kanner- Salt River
Norma and Peg- Apache Lake
Cheryl and Chuck- Southeast Asia
Norma- Estero Tastiota birding
Judy has paddling gear of Ron’s to give away.
Mindy mentioned for those who weren’t at the spring Patagonia Lake cleanup that we decided to
hold the club-sponsored cleanup in the fall only, rather than both the fall and spring. This was
supported by Park staff and by a show of hands of club members.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm
Minutes from Mar. 14, 2023 SAPC General Meeting presided by Pres. Rudi Lambrechtse
All members & visitors introduced. Susan Wenberg is looking for a kayak to borrow (or buy?) for our lower CO river trip. Contact Sue at: 520-591-7469. Treasurer Steve Kanner gave a treasury report. Club has $1900. Dues for 2023 were due in January this year.
Steve Kanner passed around his "Trip Interest" form for members to sign-up on any trip on the forms making it easier to initiate & organize trips.
In doing so, Steve announced that he has interest in running the Wild Verde, Salt or Gila Rivers this Spring if he can see enough interest. So began passing the Trip Interest forms around.
Norma Miller also wanted to see interest on rescheduling the Lower Colorado River trip from Walter's Camp, CA to Martinez Lake, AZ in late April. (See announcements Page).
Rudi gave a short remembrance of long time club member Ron Probst who passed last Dec. 2022. Norma also gave a short story about Ron, famed astronomer & outdoorsman/kayaker.
Bob Schoen recommended that we should schedule our annual swap meet after our next meeting on Tues. May 9th. We can move outdoors behind the library at around 5 pm to have the swap meet like last year. Everyone agreed & it will be announced.
Trip Reports
> Helen Deluga recounted her adventure to South Georgia Island & the Antarctic highlighting the thousands of penguin encounters. >> Paul Touhy recounted last year's 4-day Grand Cyn river adventure with family members, during a monsoon in Sept. Quite the adventure with spills & thrills, more than he bargained for. >>> Susan & Dick Kifer recounted their exciting kayak tours to the San Juan Islands, WA & Klamath Lakes in OR.
SAPC General Meeting Minutes for Nov. 6, 2022
President, Rudi Lambrechtse presiding. Meeting came to order at approx. 1pm.
Introductions of board members present (VP-Bob Schoen; Treasurer-Helen Deluga; Secretary-Norma Miller). New club members: Jane Hood & Tom Egelhoff.
Treasurer's report by Helen Deluga: Helen reported a present balance of $1,674. Member annual dues will be due in Jan. 2023.
New VP & Treasurer officers up for election: Helen Deluga nominated Steve Kanner for Treasurer, Norma Miller second the nomination. Steve accepted nomination & was unanimously voted in by the attending members. Royce Davenport, self nominated for new VP, second by Helen Deluga & was unanimously elected by club members present as Vice President. We thanked both Bob & Helen for their previous 2-yr, service as VP & Treasurer.
Ongoing business: Locating a new club meeting indoor venue. Club member Chuck Kline suggested SAPC investigate using the Catalina United Methodist Church meeting room which was located on 1st St, directly across from Himmel Park, Tucson, a convenient location. Chuck said the Tucson Hiking Club used them at no charge. Bob Schoen said he would investigate acquiring that venue for 2023. TBD.
Paddle Trip Announcements: By John Maier - Himalaya Beach, Sonora, Nov. 14-18, 2023 (now past).
John's Sonoran Coastal multi-day paddle is scheduled for Dec. 10-17, 2022. (see above).
John also mentioned he will be organizing his annual Estero Tastiota, Sonora paddle/camp trip sometime in March, 2023. Usually 4-5 days, starting from Playa Colorado, then kayak 6-mi. north to the Estero for a 3-day stay at the protected inner estuary for bird watching, hiking & exploration. TBA.
By Norma Miller - suggested Canyon Lake or possibly Apache Lake in Dec. (However not going to happen in 2022). ** New Development & Announcement**:
Good news! We've been waiting to renew our multi-day paddle/camping trip for Picacho SRA & farther south at Squaw Lake, CA.(lower CO river). Possibly in February, 2023.!! The road from Yuma to Picacho SRA has been newly graded & is suitable for auto passage with high clearance, etc. Campgrounds N & S are open & operating. Go to: https://www.friends4picacho.org/attention-road-update.html
New announcement: Let's make it happen in 2023 as our own club trip to Picacho SRA, Martinez & Squaw Lakes section of the lower CO River. Norma Miller will make it happen this year by organizing the multi-day trip in February, 2023. We have a tentative "shuttle bunny" already volunteering for those who wish to paddle thru from Picacho to Squaw Lake. Dates TBD. Please reply to Norma if interested in participating in any capacity &/or suggesting preferred dates in Feb., etc.
Past Trip Reports: Steve Kanner hosted, Mark Thaler & Oscar Berven to San Carlos & Bahia San Francisco, Oct. 14-18, 2022.
Helen Deluga's Sept., 2022 Lake Powell week-long trip to find & float under newly uncovered Gregory Arch in the Escalante Arm along Fifty-mi. Creek & hike into the Cathedral-in-the-Desert in Clear Creek & a tumultuous boulder scramble up/down entire Hole-in-the-Rock. (Helen, Rudi, Bob & Liz). See Liz Johnson's photos here.
Peg Davis's Sept., 2022 Lake Powell exploratory trip with Patrick & Mark. A few days later, covering similar route & canyons. Both trips started from Hall's Crossing which was still open for small craft. A happy reunion happened mid course on the Escalante arm.
Norma Miller's Sept., 2022 CO River-Meander Cyn. 6-day paddle with trip initiator/organizer Elizabeth Planteen & Deb Linda. Started from Potash Ramp below Moab, UT & ended below the Green River confluence at upper Spanish Bottom. Also hiked to the famous Doll House formations above the river. See Norma's Google Photo Album Here.
SAPC's 25th Anniversary "For-Sake-of-the-Lake" Celebration: A big success & fun time on & off the water. Great pot-luck picnic & beverages. Lots of raffle prizes won by the participants.
Royce Davenport, long time organizer & art director for SAPC's Patagonia Lake SP Picnic & shore clean-ups, announced his retirement as 'For-the-Sake-of-the-Lake' event organizer after 25 years. We again thanked Royce for his continued support organizing the always special semi-annual club event & for his many finely illustrated art works advertising such throughout the years. Our events will continue, but SAPC will plan to continue organizing these by committee.
Notes from May 15, 2022 SAPC General Meeting at Himmel Park presided by VP Bob Schoen
We had a turn-out of about 20 (not bad considering 100 degrees in the shade) as people continued to trickle in after 1pm. A local feller brought his desert tortoise George to graze around us. Helen shared watermelon w/ everyone, including George, whose owner told us he was on a low-sugar diet, and gave him some flower petals to eat. Introductions included - Kent, who has a pretty wood boat; Eb Eberline; Dagmar (going to Apostle Islands this summer); and a couple going on a San Juan Islands trip.
Peg announced a lower Salt full-moon (& sunrise) trip mid June & a Lake Powell trip Sep 20. ** See Announcements at the end for details on both paddle trips & to sign up.**
Royce talked about upcoming Patagonia clean-up / 25yrs. Anniversary. New T-Shirts drew a lukewarm response, but we are low on existing T-Shirt inventory, and you can be sure Royce & Hector have some design ideas. Bandanas were suggested. Bring your ideas to the Sept mtg !
I called Summit Hut - rumor is they're letting out their meeting room again. I left a message for Tracy w/ my name / # / email. requesting Wed 14 Sept 6-8pm. I did this a few years ago (Tracy is the same person I dealt with then) so I'm assuming this SH venue will work for Sept (and beyond ?).
SAPC March 6 Meeting Minutes, April Trip Announcement & Event ------------------------------------------------------------ Minutes from March 6, 2022 SAPC General Meeting at Himmel Park, Tucson, AZ VP Bob Schoen presiding – 1:15 pm start.
Introductions: Board members, new members & visitors (Kent Prescott & Tom Englehoff). Today's event: Club members brought in a variety of paddling & camping type gear to the park for our annual gear swap. Trip reports: Pena Blanca cleanup event was a success. A beautiful day for boating and even though the lake was unusually crowded by an unannounced Bass fishing event, our group still managed to have fun paddling the lake & hiking the surrounding trail while cleaning & then picnicking. Old Business: 1. John Maier reminded the group of the soon to happen multi-day paddle-camp trip to Estero Tastiota, Sonora MX (Sea of Cortez) south of Kino Bay. Mar. 17 to 21, 2022. Sign-ups are still available. This is an intermediate touring or ocean kayaking trip covering a 6-mi. open ocean traverse to the protected Estuary where the group will be wild camped for 3-days before returning. contact John for all details: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Re%3A%20Estero%20Tastiota%20trip) 2. Royce Davenport reminded the group of SAPC's 23nd Annual Spring Patagonia Lake SP shore cleanup & picnic scheduled for Sun., April 24th, 2022. This year boat-in camp #110 will be available for free camping on Sat. eve. before the Sunday event. You must announce that you are there for the SAPC Sunday cleanup & camp @ #110 for free entrance. The campsite has room for several boat campers & is across from the Park's main beach area. Bring all gear, food, water, etc. Contact Royce for more details. [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Re%3A%20Patagonia%20Lake%20Spring%20lakeshore%20cleanup) New Lake Powell Trip Announcement & Signup (required): (Trip dates have been updated) Lake Powell, UT. Monday, April 25 to Wed. May 10, 2022. An 8-day open lake kayaking & camping trip from Hall's Crossing North & return. Averaging 10+ mi. per day with possible layover days. Will involve explorations for landings & canyon explorations due to lower waters. This is for intermediate or experienced kayak campers requiring skills for wilderness camping & kayaking on long boats suitable to carry all food & water for up to 8-days on the water, 2 car travel days (carpooling is recommended). Participants may leave the trip early if they want. Everyone is responsible for their own trip schedule. All participants must be geared for all weather conditions & have the required kayaking equipment. PFDs, spray skirts, paddle floats, extra paddle, etc. Lake water may be purified but bringing fresh water is preferred as the river gets lower & more silty. Wag Bags & storage for such are to be used while in the NPRA. Please contact trip organizer, Steve Anderson, to sign up! Get further details, etc. Steve: 520-591-6318 (preferred) or email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Re%3A%20Lake%20Powell%2010-day%20trip%20signup) Next SAPC meeting was scheduled for Sunday, May 15, 2022 at Himmel Park, Tucson. 1 PM. Meeting adjourned at 3 pm after which participants resumed the gear swap. Respectfully submitted by: Norma Miller (SAPC Secretary.) (mailto:[email protected]) – Mar. 7, 2022. Dues are still being accepted for renewals & new membership for 2022. They are normally due at beginning of year, 2022. Still $15 a year. Can pay at meetings or by mail. Check to SAPC, P.O. Box 41443, Tucson, AZ 80517-1443. Thanks for your continued support.
Minutes-Notes from January 9, SAPC General Meeting at Himmel Park, Tucson, AZ:
Maria Novak (President) presiding – 1 pm start. Agenda: New members & guests introductions; Treasury report; Old Business, Club Officer nominations & elections; New Business; Upcoming trip & event announcements; Recent trip reports. Over 25% of the SAPC membership was present & a quorum was established.
Introductions: Board members, new members & visitors (Bill Steber & Amber Wright). Amber mentioned she is seeking to buy a used “English style” touring kayak with a skeg.
Treasury report: Given by SAPC treasurer Helen Deluga. Present balance is ~$1200.00. Helen itemized all the expenses over year 2021 as well as the annual website Domain name fee & the 3-4 year Website hosting fee that would be due again Sept. 2022. That fee would be around $150 a yr. not including the annual domain fee of $100. SAPC Web admin, Norma Miller, will be investigating other less expensive ways to get minimal website hosting. The present SAPC “Mailchimp” E-Newletter service is free & is a more timely tool for networking, getting the latest updates delivered to members. Norma Miller agreed to update the present SAPC website soon. It had not been updated in over 2-mos.
Old Business: Nomination & voting in of new SAPC President & continuing SAPC Secretary by members in attendance. Helen Deluga nominated Norma Miller for a continued tenure (2nd year) as club Secretary. Voting was unanimous, Norma accepted the position for one more year. After volunteering for the position of club president during the meeting, club member Rudi Lambrechtse was nominated for SAPC president by Norma Miller & seconded by Helen Deluga. Rudi was voted in unanimously by those in attendance & accepted the position for the 2-year term. Rudi & Norma will officially start & continue there terms of office immediately in January, 2022.
New Business: 1. The previously announced 4-day MLK Weekend paddle/camp down the lower Colorado River was canceled from our schedule since the organizer (out of Bullhead City) did not come thru with the arrangements we needed to execute a shuttle plan for our group. Instead, member Norma Miller created a new plan to substitute the canceled one. The new trip is to start Wed., Feb. 2 out of Tucson, travel to Squaw Lake BLM Campground. Organizer, Norma, will be updating all members who had previously signed up for the MLK trip & also those who now want to be added to the new trip list. After arriving at Squaw Lake above Imperial Dam, we would join Rick Johnson’s car-camp/river trip who’ll be there until Sunday, Jan. 6 when interested participants will drive out to the Ren Fest in Yuma. This all is open-ended. Participants may leave/drive out at any time from Squaw Lake or choose options to float down river from below Imperial dam &/or explore other river backwaters & channels on both AZ & CA side. A day trip driving up river to Martinez Lake (Fisher's Landing) is an option. People will put-in there to float the 7+ miles downriver back to Squaw lake. There would be a ‘shuttle back to vehicles’ arrangement from Squaw Lake back Fishers Landing at end of day. Contact-Norma: [email protected] or 520-235-8927. Norma will update participants with maps of the river to be covered, directions to Squaw Lake campground, or other details.
2. Bob Schoen solidified the dates for his 4-day Apache Lake paddle/camp trip scheduled to start on Monday, Feb. 14, 2022 & end on the 17th. He specified the only open route to the lake on the Salt River would be via Hwy 77 north to Globe & then up to Roosevelt Lake & down to Apache Lake from Roosevelt Dam via SR 88. He also said that initial car & boat-in camping location spots would be determined upon arrival (there are two or three possibilities including at the Marina. Tonto NF rec daily passes would be required for days along the lake & can be acquired at Globe or the main Burnt Corral Campground (if open) or the Marina (if open). Also available at the Tonto NF ranger station at Lake Roosevelt when open. Otherwise camping at the bay below the Marina. The Marina is Tribal owned & they charge their own fees for parking ($4 daily), etc. There is a store & lodge there, boat ramps & more secure parking. Bob will update those who sign up. Contact-Bob: [email protected] or 520-548-6590.
3. John Maier announced a recently scheduled 10-day, 50-mi. sea kayaking trip down the Sea of Cortez from Puerto Libertad on the Sonoran Coast to Kino Bay with details about daily crossings, stopping locations & explorations along the southern route to the final destination. Experienced sea kayakers recommended to cover rolling, windy/choppy conditions & crossings of up to 10 mi. Contact John: [email protected]
4. Member Peg Davis passed a sign-up/interest sheet for a proposed ‘Gila Box’ overnight paddle trip from south of Clifton, AZ near the NM border at Hwy 191 to near Solomon, AZ. Flow must be over 175 CFS to be a go. Class II rapids at canyon walls can create some flips. Inflatables & short river kayaks recommended. The Gila river flashing in the Spring would instigate the call out to drive out in short time. Contact Peg: [email protected] or 520-628-8985 to be on-call.
New Business Cont. Bob Schoen proposed having a ‘gear swap’ at our next club meeting in March, 2022. The meeting would most likely be held at Himmel Park, as today, at 1 pm. This proposal was received well by those in attendance. The gear swap will be scheduled & announced for March, 2022. Date TBD, either Sunday the 6th or 13th.
Maria Novak announced a message from club member & SAPC website coordinator, Casey Stakauskas, relaying a Facebook message he received from assistant Scout Master Sara Wright (Troop 299, Oro Valley) asking for a referral for anyone from our organization willing to teach boy scouts canoeing skills to prepare them for an upcoming trip to the Atchafalaya Swamp in LA. Norma mentioned known canoeing instructor & scout leader, James Hermes, out of Bullhead City, AZ and that she would contact James about any possibilities for Sara to contract him for the opportunity here in Tucson.
Member John Maier announced he has a pair of Yakima kayak saddles for sale, but not the rack. Selling for $50. Contact John: [email protected]
Trip reports:
John Maier reported on his group Thanksgiving week trip to Himalaya Bay, MX covering at least two unplanned adventures, rain & cooler temps. Himalaya Bay is now being patrolled by nearby residents seeking a toll of $50 per car to camp at the bay if they are found going there. No signs were posted of this patrol or new visitation toll. No fences or gates were erected. The road to Himalaya was in reasonably good travel condition for high-clearance vehicles. It’s probable kayakers may not visit Himalaya in the future.
Norma Miller reported on her annual 2-day kayak/camp at Lake Pleasant in Dec. 2021 for the annual Eagle Watch. Two Bald Eagles were spotted flying over Humbug Bay but none on nest areas on cliffs above the Agua Fria River. Weather was somewhat sunny with little wind. Reserved camping was only allowed at the established campgrounds & no longer off-shore around the lake or bays. We camped at Desert Tortoise CG near one of the bays where kayaks were easily deployed & returned for the day. Norma reported that feral burros have now become a major nuisance around the campgrounds & will get into any boxes left out on the table at night. They also walk into your camp to find food anytime it’s left unattended, very close to bear behavior though they are not normally aggressive.
Meeting adjourned at 2 pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Norma Miller (SAPC Secretary.) - Jan. 12, 2022 (Please Note: The New Business article in these Minutes had to be updated from the original draft due to changing circumstances. The changes were made on Jan. 26, 2022 as reported above. -NM)